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First Quranic Gathering for Women Organized by the Shoura

The Shoura organized the first Quranic gathering for women, which took place on Sunday, May 26, 2024, at 3:00 PM in the Tramsschapp Cultural Center in Luxembourg City. The event was a success, with the participation of around two hundred women from different mosques.

The program included the recitation of parts of the Quran by a representative from each mosque, creating an atmosphere of spiritual connection and deep reflection.

In addition to the Quranic recitations, nasheeds in Arabic and Bosnian were also part of the program.

The event was moderated by Malika Merghemi. The program opened with Hafiza Sanaa El Brihi reciting Surah Al-Ahzab.

A message from the religious leader, Hafiz Hilmija ef. Redžić, addressed to the attendees present, as well as to all the women in our Muslim community, was delivered.

We thank all the participants who helped make this event a true success.

Please find attached the text written by the religious leader in its entirety.

Living Islam, serving society in Luxembourg since 2003.

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