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Join the Solidarity March for Palestine this Saturday in Luxembourg City!

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming solidarity march for Palestine organized by the Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East (CPJPO). This crucial event will take place this Saturday at 2:00 PM in front of the Philharmonie in Luxembourg City.

Palestine continues to face immense challenges, and international solidarity is needed now more than ever. The solidarity march is an opportunity for us to show our support for the oppressed people in Palestine and to call for an end to the injustices occurring there.

The official poster for the event is attached to this article. Please feel free to share and display it to raise awareness among as many people as possible.

We would like to remind you to respect the legal provisions regarding conduct in force and to participate in the march peacefully and respectfully.

Living Islam, serving society in Luxembourg since 2003.

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