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Public Iftar for the Muslim community in Luxembourg

The Assembly of the Muslim Community of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – the Shoura – organised on Saturday evening a public iftar. Invited were all imams, members of mosque committees, representatives of important Muslim associations and organisations and volunteers who are active on the territory of the Grand Duchy. Guests such as the representatives of the City of Luxembourg were also invited and present at the iftar.

The ceremony was opened with the recitation of the Koran by Sheikh Youssef Almigbari, Imam of the mosque “Le Juste Milieu” (LJM) in Luxembourg city.

Thereafter, the current president of the Shura, Jasmin Jahić, welcomed the guests. In his bilingual address, Jahić recalled the importance of the Shoura’s existence, stressing the significance of the mission to represent the Muslims of Luxembourg, about 40,000 of them organised through 11 mosques that today make up the Shoura, and thanked all those present, especially the imams and members of the mosque committees as well as the volunteers, for the work and achievements so far.

Then, the Shoura’s head of religious affairs, Hafiz Hilmija ef. Redžić gave a speech in German, Arabic and Bosnian. “To be a partner and not a coward”, and at the same time, in accordance with the message of our prophet, to be the best of people by putting oneself at the service of people, were two key recommendations that Hafiz Redžić addressed to those present.

Finally, the Luxembourg city councillor Colette Mart greeted all those present and expressed her pleasure at attending this dinner, stressing the importance of such gatherings where it is possible to learn from and get to know each other.

With the beginning of the iftar hour, the call to prayer was recited by the current president of the “Centre culturel islamique de Luxembourg” (CCIL), Salih Ramić.