Visit to the Islamic Center “Le Juste Milieu” in Luxembourg City
Mosques in Luxembourg offer a wide range of activities with the significant participation of Muslims. In addition to Friday and daily prayers, mosques provide classes for children, weekly lectures, Quran study circles, and various activities tailored to the needs of the worshipers.
To support these quality activities, the Muslim religious leader in Luxembourg, Hafiz Hilmija Redžić, has undertaken a series of unannounced visits. These visits include his participation in one of the organized activities, in addition to scheduled visits to all mosques through Friday sermons and central lectures (dars). This past Saturday, the first of these visits took place at the LJM mosque. Every Saturday after the Isha prayer, this mosque holds regular weekly lectures by Imam Hafiz Abdul Hakeem Bedaoui. The lecture focused on the theme “Laughter through the example of Islam” and was structured around the Quranic and Sunnah aspects of laughter, as well as the rules that derive from it. A smile is the most beautiful ornament of the face, and no one on this Earth has smiled and had a more radiant face than our beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him – summarizes the discourse.
Such visits precisely achieve the intended effect, strengthening the support of our imams and worshipers through presence and the strengthening of ties among all actors in the Muslim community in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
This Islamic center offers a wide range of activities for all Muslim men and women, but its doors are also open to all people of goodwill. Feel free to visit this mosque, which is part of the Assembly of Muslims in Luxembourg – the Shoura. You will find it at the following address:
32, Dernier Sol
L-2543 Bonnevoie