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Central Khutbah: “A Strong Personality of an Individual Strengthens the Entire Community”

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the One, without any partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. May Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, his noble family, and his companions.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today, we will discuss the importance of strengthening an individual’s personality and its impact on the community. Islam teaches us that the strength of a community stems from the strength of its members, for strong foundations are essential for building a stable and prosperous community. Each one of us is responsible for our own development, both in faith and character, as a strong community relies on steadfast and consistent individuals.

The Example of Ukayl ibn Abi Talib

One of the most inspiring examples of perseverance and a strong personality is found in the life of Ukayl ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him), the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He was known for his sense of humor, his deep knowledge of genealogies and Arab history, and his unwavering faith and moral integrity.

Ukayl ibn Abi Talib and His Brother, the Caliph Ali (may Allah be pleased with them)

Ukayl, nicknamed Abu Yazid and Abu Isa, was the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He was twenty years older than his brother Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and ten years older than Ja`far Al-Tayyar (may Allah be pleased with him). He emigrated to Medina during the truce period and participated in the Battle of Mu’ta.

He was often cheerful, loved joking, and was recognized among the Arabs as one of the greatest experts in genealogies and history. Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Ukayl narrated: “When Ukayl ibn Abi Talib got married and came before us, we congratulated him, saying: ‘May Allah bring harmony between you and grant you many children!’ He replied, ‘Stop saying that, for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prohibited it and instead instructed us to say: ‘May Allah bless you, bless what He has given you, and grant you barakah in it!’”

Despite his dignity, Ukayl faced financial difficulties and sought help from his brother Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Humaid ibn Hilal reported:

Ukayl asked Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) for financial help and complained about his difficult situation. Ali replied: “Be patient until I receive my share (of income).” After Ukayl persisted, Ali said: “Go and take what you need from the people’s shops.” Ukayl exclaimed: “Do you want me to become a thief?” Ali responded: “And you want me to become a thief by using public funds for personal benefit?”

Ukayl said: “I am going to Mu’awiya!” Ali replied: “Do as you wish.”

Ukayl went to Mu’awiya, who gave him one hundred thousand coins and said: “Climb the pulpit and tell the people how Ali treated you and how I treated you.” Ukayl ascended and said: “O people, I tested Ali in his faith, and he preferred his faith over me. I also tested Mu’awiya in his faith, and he preferred me over his faith.” Mu’awiya then said: “So this is the man whom the Quraysh claim is simple-minded!”

(Reference: Nuzhat al-Fudala’, Vol. 1, p. 342, summary of Tahdhib Siyar A‘lam al-Nubala’ and Usud al-Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 266, by Ibn al-Athir.)

This incident shows how Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was uncompromising in preserving public funds and upholding faith, while Ukayl (may Allah be pleased with him) demonstrated dignity and strength even in adversity.

The Impact of the Individual on the Community

Dear brothers and sisters, a strong personality of an individual strengthens the entire community. Ukayl ibn Abi Talib is an example of integrity and perseverance, even in the most difficult times. Such examples remind us that we must never sacrifice our moral principles for temporary worldly gains.

Islam teaches us that each individual is responsible for their development and contribution to the community. The strength of a community lies not only in the number of its members but in their moral integrity, piety, and consistency in good deeds.

Lessons from Our Predecessors

Today, our tragedy is that we marry without love, have children but do not raise them properly, build but do not educate, pray but lack reverence, work but do not excel, and speak but lack sincerity. These words call us to introspect and evaluate our actions. If we want a strong community, we must start with ourselves—strengthening our faith, character, and sense of responsibility.

Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Obedience to Allah illuminates the heart, strengthens it, stabilizes it upon the truth, and purifies it until it becomes like a mirror, resplendent with clarity and purity.” (Al-Jawab al-Kafi).

Obedience to Allah and self-improvement bring light into our hearts, making us resilient against Shaytan’s deceptions and our own weaknesses. Such pure hearts form the solid foundation of a healthy community.

Dear brothers and sisters, a strong personality of an individual strengthens the entire community. Each of us is responsible for our personal growth and our contribution to the community. Let us remain steadfast in faith, moral in actions, and pure in intentions.

May Allah forgive our weaknesses, strengthen us in faith, and make us among those who bring benefit to themselves and their community. Ameen.

(Central khutbah by the religious leader Hafiz Hilmija Redžić on December 20, 2024, at the “Centre Islamique au Luxembourg” in Contern)