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Central Sermon: “The Family – A Bridge to Paradise”

The family is one of the strongest bridges that lead to Paradise. We can rightly say that a successful family is a paradise on earth and, at the same time, a path that leads to the delights of Paradise in the Hereafter. Paradise is a place of peace, security, and mercy, as reflected in the verse that recounts the prayer of Moses (aleyhi-salam): “My Lord,” – Moses prayed – “forgive me and my brother, and let us enter into Your mercy, for You are the most merciful of those who show mercy!” (Al-A’raf, 151.)

Our family life, founded on marriage, is built upon love and mercy, as mentioned in the Quran: “And among His signs is that He created for you, from yourselves, mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who reflect.” (Ar-Rum, 21.)

An authentic hadith reminds us of the importance of mutual tolerance in marriage: “A believer should not dislike a believing woman (i.e., his wife); if he dislikes one of her traits, he will be pleased with another.” This teaching also applies to the wife toward her husband, for Allah’s law does not know hatred within the family. The family environment should be free of malice and enmity, similar to the atmosphere of Paradise, as described in the verse: “And We shall remove all the malice from their hearts; they will be like brothers, seated on thrones, facing one another.” (Al-Hijr, 47.)

Within the family, members should show the utmost kindness and attention to each other. This is especially true for the husband toward his wife, for if he is kind to others, he should be even more so to her. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “The best of you are those who are the best to their wives, and I am the best to my wives.” (Tirmidhi) Those who follow this example are promised a reward in Paradise.

One of the key pillars of a happy family is obedience and kindness to parents, which is the quickest path to Paradise. An example is given by Mu’awiya ibn Jahima (radiyallahu anhu), who said: “I went to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and expressed my desire to go for jihad, and he asked me, ‘Do you have a mother?’ I said, ‘Yes,’ and the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said to me: ‘Stay with your mother, your Paradise is at her feet.’” (An-Nasa’i)

In Paradise, there is perfect happiness and joy, as the verse states: “No soul knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden for them as a reward for what they used to do.” (As-Sajda, 17.) These are the joys that the Muslim family can taste in this world, as confirmed by the verse: “And those who say: ‘Our Lord, grant us from our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.’” (Al-Furqan, 74.)

Brothers and sisters, the family has been given to us as a Paradise on this earth. However, this depends on our ability to show one another love, mercy, tolerance, and justice. Whoever succeeds in building such a family is truly fortunate, while whoever fails is unfortunate and a loser in both worlds.

(Central khutbah by the religious leader Hafiz Hilmija Redžić on September 20, 2024, at the “Centre Islamique Gazi Isa-beg” in Esch-sur-Alzette)